Sai Nursing Institute's philosophy is consistent with that of INC and GNC, as well as the goals of the governments of Goa and India.

The faculty of Sai Nursing Institute believes that:

The auxiliary nurse midwife is responsible for working in collaboration with other allied professions for the attainment of the goals of the National Rural Health Mission.

Health is a fundamental human right. The maintenance of an optimum level of health is a social responsibility. However, health can never be adequately protected by health services without the active involvement of the community.

Each student is a unique person with special talents, abilities, needs, and goals, as well as varying life experiences.

The creation of a conducive environment will assist students to realise their full potential for the acquisition of professional knowledge and the development of clinical competence. Responsibility for outcomes is shared by students and the faculty.

Nursing is both an art and a science of understanding human needs; this professional knowledge will aid in professional and personal development.